

Following Curiosity.

Welcome to Mean Green Garden, a virtual haven where the realms of art, nature, and queer identity converge. Founded by Jerad Bryant, Mean Green Garden is more than a blog—it's an exploration of the intricate dance between plants and the human experience.

Why Plants Matter: Plants, like people, have stories to tell. Mean Green Garden seeks to unravel these stories, exploring the lives, loves, and resilience of the botanical world. From the microscopic details of plant sexuality to the broader ecological narratives, we believe that by understanding and appreciating plants, we deepen our connection to the environment and each other.

Come Wander with Us: Whether you're a seasoned botanist, an art enthusiast, or someone simply curious about the world around you, Mean Green Garden invites you to wander through the virtual garden. Here, every leaf, every bloom, and every word tells a story. Join us in celebrating the beauty of nature, embracing queer visibility, and nurturing a community where every shade of green is welcome.





Following Curiousity


Growing 〰️ Learning 〰️ Following Curiousity 〰️

All content including but not limited to written copy, images, and illustrations on this site are the property of Mean Green Garden ®. All rights reserved.

If you would like to share any work found on Mean Green Garden ® or would like to get in touch with us, send us an email to

Italian parsley with frozen foliage that is growing in winter.