Standing Under The Bigleaf Maple
Botany Jerad Bryant Botany Jerad Bryant

Standing Under The Bigleaf Maple

Near a home, or at a park, a falling tree branch may cause structural damage, and it may hurt people if they are close by. This is often the reasoning behind not planting a bigleaf maple in the yard or landscape. I wonder though, how much of this is fear-mongering, and how much of it is true?

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The Uncommonly Common Currant
Botany Jerad Bryant Botany Jerad Bryant

The Uncommonly Common Currant

Not only is R. sanguineum gorgeous, but it is also incredibly hardy in the landscape. It naturally grows on rocky slopes, dry forestland, and disturbed sites. I have seen it growing in locales with direct sun and no extra irrigation!

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How Does Indian-Plum Have Sex?
Botany Jerad Bryant Botany Jerad Bryant

How Does Indian-Plum Have Sex?

Take a closer look and you’ll see why this shrub stuns onlookers each spring. It is one of the first plants to break buds with clusters of white bell-shaped flowers and shiny green foliage. When it blooms, it emits a delightfully floral scent akin to flowering plum and cherry trees. 

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Italian parsley with frozen foliage that is growing in winter.