Get Creative with Dino Kale: Unique Recipe Ideas

Dino kale is crazy good! Not only is it delicious and nutritious, but it is also super easy to use. This guide gives you 5 different ways you can prepare dino kale in the kitchen. 

I love dinosaur kale. It is late winter in the Pacific Northwest and most plants are still dormant in the garden. Dino kale, however, is thriving. It is the one leafy green I can rely on throughout the winter. 

I live in plant hardiness zone 8, so our winters can get below 20° F. This is no matter for dino kale, as it actually thrives in the cold. In areas that receive snow, dino kale stays protected under the snow cover and emerges in the spring. 

Dino kale is called dinosaur kale because of its beautiful, textured leaves that resemble dinosaur skin. It is also known as Lacinato or Italian kale as it originates from regions in Italy.

This leafy green’s scientific name is Brassica oleracea (Acephala Group). It is in the family Brassicaceae, which means it is related to all other kales, broccolis, bok choy, and many other cold-hardy vegetables.

Dino kale is incredibly nutritious. Just one cup of raw kale has over 70 mg of potassium and over 50 mg of calcium. It also contains 19.2 grams of vitamin C, a necessary vitamin for your body to heal and fight infections. Eating kale is a great way to find these vitamins and minerals naturally. 

How to Store Dino Kale

Before we dive into the five specific ways you can use dino kale in the kitchen, let’s first learn how to properly store it. Whether you buy it or grow it yourself, these are the proper ways to store dino kale.


  • If you are growing dino kale yourself, simply chop leaves at their base as you need them. This is the surefire way to have the freshest, most nutritious dino kale leaves. 

  • Store them in an airtight container. Dry the leaves as much as possible before storing them. This ensures humidity levels stay just right in the container.

  • Keep the container in the refrigerator. The leaves should stay crisp for a week.

Store Bought

  • The same rule applies to store-bought dino kale. Keep the leaves in an airtight container in the fridge. Remember to dry the leaves as much as possible before storing them.

Wilted Leaves

  • Have your dino kale leaves wilted a bit? If they have not begun rotting you can place the leaves stalk down in a glass of water. After a few minutes, the leaves will drink the water and regain their crispness.

Culinary Uses

Dinosaur kale is easy to use in the kitchen. You may think, “Okay, but how can I use dino kale besides in a salad?” There are tons of ways! Below are five ideas on how to use dino kale in the kitchen. If you’d like to learn how to grow dino kale, visit here

Dino Kale Salad

Kale salad is delicious with the right preparation. There are two types of kale salads I like to make:

Avocado Kale Salad

  • I learned about this recipe from a good friend who swears by getting your hands dirty in the kitchen. This recipe is similar to my friend’s and is simple to make. 

Dino Kale Garden Salad

  • Even simpler than the last recipe, this is a good recipe for making a quick dino kale garden salad. The dressing is oh-so-good and adds a nice finishing touch to a crunchy kale salad.

Kale Chips

Dinosaur kale chips are a creative way to put kale to use. With some seasoning of your choice, this recipe makes for a delicious snack. It can be used as a green substitute for fried potato chips. 

As a Bed for Roasted Vegetables

This is not so much a recipe as it is a method for tasty vegetable roasting. To begin, line a baking pan with olive oil and dino kale leaves, then add root vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, and beets on top. Roast at 375°F for 25-30 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. The dino kale at the bottom will be delicious, soft, and seasoned when it is done roasting. For added flavor, consider seasoning with herbs, garlic, or different types of oil.


Dinosaur kale makes a great addition to soups, both blended and chopped. One cup of dino kale adds a little more than 0.8 grams of dietary fiber, a crucial nutrient for our bodies. Dietary fiber is excellent for your health and has even been linked to a lower risk of cancer.

You can use chopped dino kale in a classic minestrone soup, or blend a few leaves up in a smooth, creamy tomato soup. The possibilities are endless. Throw some chopped kale in a hearty potato vegetable soup. Thinly slice the leaves for a raw addition to your soup that adds texture and flavor.

In a Smoothie

Smoothies are my favorite way to consume leafy greens. Dino kale is a great leafy addition to smoothies as it adds nutrients, viscosity, and flavor to the smoothie. 

This is my go-to smoothie recipe for a jump start in the morning. Try frozen fruits like pineapple and mango for a tropical twist. Add blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries for a berry blend. Use this recipe along with your favorite breakfast in the morning to feel energized and nourished for the rest of the day.


Dinosaur kale is a versatile and nutritious leafy green that can be used in a variety of ways in the kitchen. From salads to smoothies, kale chips to roasted vegetables, there are endless ways to incorporate dino kale into your meals. The key here is creativity and experimentation with different preparation methods. Think outside the box and you’ll find your favorite way to enjoy this delicious vegetable.

And don't forget, with its cold-hardiness, dino kale is a great option to have in the home garden year-round. So next time your meal needs some leafy greens, try dino kale and see how it becomes a staple in your kitchen!

Want to learn about other leafy greens? Head here for more information on how to grow leafy greens. And don’t forget to sign up to the Club for weekly articles and freebies. Thanks for reading, and happy growing!

All photos were taken by Jerad Bryant.


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